Navigating Energetic Love Through Human Design




Welcome to the Soft Power, where we explore the magic of Human Design and aligned energetics! 

Join host Maike Gabriela, Human Design Expert, as she demystifies the cosmic, sprinkles enlightenment, and keeps it real. Whether you're a spirituality expert, curious seeker, or simply seeking radiant vibes, Maike and her wise guests offer a blend of celestial wisdom and down-to-earth practicality. 

Put on your headphones and join us on this journey of self-discovery and universal connections. Tune into Soft Power, your go-to place for spirituality and everyday magic, as we illuminate the path to being our true selves – together. Shine on, beautiful souls!

In This Podcast…

In this episode, Maike delves into an open and honest conversation about her journey into the world of micro-dosing. She discusses her initial fears, the reactions of people in her life, and her surprising outcomes.

She reviews the five main Human Design types (Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors) and how each type loves, experiences love, asks for love, and should be loved.

Maike emphasizes the importance of recognizing and cherishing our uniqueness - uniqueness shouldn't be a barrier to love or understanding and encourages listeners to celebrate the individuality of themselves and others.

Listen in for an intriguing discussion about psychedelics, a glimpse into a transformative time in Maike’s life, and how love and Human Design intertwine.

I know it can be a little bit annoying but it would mean the WORLD to me if you could rate the episode on Spotify here and go to Apple podcast to submit your review HERE.

WIN, WIN, WIN! As a REVIEW INCENTIVE I am giving away one FREE one-on-one 30-minute session where you get to ask up to 3 of your burning HD questions.

All you have to do is submit a screenshot of your written Apple podcast review to this  FORM and you will be eligible to win some quality time with me. So excited!


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