Projector | Who you are + how to share your gifts.

The Introduction

In my first ever YouTube video, I unravel the mysteries of the projector energy type in human design. Dive into understanding your core energy, strategies, and the pillars to live a life aligned with your true self. Let's journey into it!

This is what you can expect. 

The Revelation of Being a Projector

Like many, the realization of being a projector in the human design framework transformed my life. It's an enlightening experience, shedding light on patterns and behaviors we've embodied, often unknowingly.

Understanding Your Energy Type

Projectors represent the non-energetic energy type. They do not possess consistent energy, making them unique in their life approach. As projectors, their value doesn't come from their actions but from their insights. They offer perspectives that many miss, enhancing efficiency and clarity in various domains.

Aura & Energetics

Every individual, including projectors, radiates an aura - an energetic field. For projectors, this aura is penetrating, focusing deeply on individuals, allowing them to see beyond superficial masks. This depth, however, can be both a strength and a challenge, especially in group settings.


● The Five Pillars of the Projector's Life

  1. Energy Type: What makes the Projectors unique, making up only 20% of the population? How they can create success in guiding others.

  2. Auric Field: How their penetrating aura gives them an edge in understanding people deeply.

  1. Strategy: Learning why waiting for the invitation is the projector's strategy, why it is important to ensure genuine recognition, and how to reduce feelings of bitterness.

  2. Not-Self Theme: Learning what to do when bitterness signals a misalignment, a deviation from the projector's strategy.

  3. Signature: How to Create Success, both in recognition and monetary forms, and why it's the projector's signature. How to align to achieve long-lasting success without burnout.

The Importance of Recognition and Monetary Exchange

For projectors, recognition is essential. Beyond just acknowledgment, it often translates to monetary success. Embracing this aspect, instead of shying away from it, can lead to a fulfilling path.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Why Projectors thrive in one-on-one interactions.

  2. How their value isn't in their actions but in their unique insights.

  3. How waiting for the right invitation can lead to genuine success.

  4. When bitterness is a sign to re-evaluate and align oneself.

  5. Discovering how to create success for a projector to gain recognition and monetary gain.

Your Next Step: Dive Deeper into 

To further immerse yourself in the world of human design and specifically, the projector's path, go check out the video, and watch till the end for a little free bonus. Dive deep, understand your energy, and step into a life of authenticity and alignment. 


Generator | Tangible Tools for Alignment