Manifesting Generator | 5 Basics for Alignment

The Introduction

Get ready for my fourth Youtube video, featuring the vibrant world of Manifesting Generators! 🚀 In this video I talk about 5 basics to align as a Manifesting Generator, this one's all about adding some friendly spark and aligning your energy effortlessly. Having guided hundreds of Manifesting Generators, I'm thrilled to share insights on living their most authentic and energetically charged lives. In this video, I share with you how a Manifesting Generator's aura and frequency work with the world, to remove resistance and create flow.

The Revelation of Being a Manifesting Generator

There are about 33% of Manifesting Generators and in many trains though they often just get lumped into the Generator subcategory, and I hate that. Manifesting Generators deserve their own pedestal. And with this video, we have done exactly that. The probability that you have an MG in your life is extremely high.

So, the curiosity is probably kicking in to find out about Manifesting Generators. This fascinating blend between two energy types. Who has come into this world to see possibilities and show them to the world?

Understanding Your Energy Type

Manifesting Generator are the fastest energy type, the most independent, and the energy type that is the most curious. When a manifesting generator is lit up and aligned, they're really here to break and open the paths and to question the old narrative.

Aura & Energetics

It is important for them to tap into that feminine energy in their auric field – it's like the secret weapon of a Generator. They can feel how it brings in the right crowd and opportunities when they are vibing with joy and pleasure. Also, they should connect with the sacral center, the powerhouse of joy and creativity from the Manifestor's side.


● The Five Pillars of the Manifesting Generator's Life

  1. Energy Type: What makes Manifesting Generators unique in terms of energy type?

  2. Auric Field: Why they have a dynamic, open, and enveloping Aura.

  3. Strategy: What actionable step does a Manifesting Generator take as part of their strategy?

  4. Not-Self Theme: What does frustration indicate for Manifesting Generators in terms of their alignment?

  5. Signature: Why it is crucial for Manifesting Generators to prioritize satisfaction.

Key Takeaways

  1. Why Projectors thrive in one-on-one interactions.

  2. How their value isn't in their actions but in their unique insights.

  3. How waiting for the right invitation can lead to genuine success.

  4. When bitterness is a sign to re-evaluate and align oneself.

  5. Discovering how to create success for a projector to gain recognition and monetary gain.

Your Next Step: Dive Deeper into 

✦ Why it is important that Manifesting Generators embrace their hybrid nature.

  1. How they can avoid burnout by respecting their body's authentic responses.

  2. How they can  remove compromises and open spaces for genuine opportunities

  3. How the Universe supports them when they live authentically.

  4. How connecting with their sacral center helps them feel more joy and creativity.


The Human Design |Energy Types Explained


Manifestor | Regain your Power!